I Started A Blog Because...
Having a blog is nothing new to me. In fact, I’ve had one or two blogs before where I shared posts every now and then. Even had a blog that was private so it was an online journal for me. This is definitely a throwback but I remember when Myspace was popular. I published my writing on there as well ( I miss it by the way). Now I have a new blog with a different purpose and I wanted to share a few reasons why i decided to start one.
I simply want a creative outlet and to hone my writing skills. As a writer, one of the habits I’m trying to cultivate is writing regularly. I want to write more and be disciplined when it comes to writing. I believe the more I write and the more I put out, the more I will flex my writing muscle and the more ideas will come to me. Also, I just love sharing information with others that I find interesting or helpful as well as sharing my life experiences.
In addition, I’m a creative. Anything that will allow me to be creative I’m down with it. This includes photography, videography, tech, and social media. I love photography especially black and white photography. So starting a blog just seems like a natural progression for me. I mean I did go to school for English and Journalism. Hello!
So as I’ve stated I went to school for journalism, New Media Journalism to be specific. This degree is meant to prepare me for freelance journalism and to teach me how to be a multimedia journalist. Again, starting a blog is just a natural progression for me. But this is not my second reason. My second reason for starting a blog is I feel that I can use it as an online portfolio. If I decide to become a freelance writer ,for example, I can use my blog to show my work. And if I do decide to work for a company in the field of journalism my blog would have the same purpose . Journalism is one of those fields you have to have experience in before a company will even consider you so I thought the blog would be a good idea.
My blog can and will have overlapping, multiple purposes.
Blogging can bring in income. I thought blogging was starting to to become outdated but I found out it’s not. I thought to myself hmmm does anyone even read blogs anymore? Turns out people do and turns out blogs are becoming popular again.
Now I don’t want this to be my main reason for blogging; however, if I can make money doing something I love why not do it? We are living in a time when entreprenuership is at an all time high so blogging can be one source of income. If you don’t believe me, check out this video where a stay-at-home mom makes $100,000 a month blogging full time!