My birth story: i could have died pt. 2
This is part two of my birth story.
If this is your first time to my blog, I encourage you to read these posts first---my breastfeeding journey, my pregnancy story, and my birth story part one.
When I had my son, it was a scary time for me. Initially, I had planned to do a water birth but my plans changed. I had to be induced due to my blood pressure being high.
After giving birth, I was released from the hospital but had to return within a few days. The doctors did not initially know what was wrong; however they treated me as if I had eclampsia because my blood pressure was still high.
Interestingly, right before I was to be released the doctor ordered for me to have an ultrasound and that’s when it was discovered I still had pieces of placenta left in me.
Click the video below to hear the full story.